Wednesday, June 25, 2003

two thoughts about the recent apple announcements...

the first is inspired by this thread at macslash. what would be required to take an isight and attach it to an ipod? this seems like a very powerful and fun combo. isight requires only one connect, and the ipod has it. it could then be quite a powerful portable video/still camera, capable of storing huge amounts of footage and stills. granted it would not have all the capabilities of other more sophisticated cameras (display screen, zoom, higher resolution, etc...) but for $150 to get hours upon hours of 640x480 video that fits in your pocket, i bet every single ipod owner would buy one no questions asked! now i am not sure what technical hurdles there would be but i am pretty sure there are few and they are easily overcome.

next there has been a lot of talk of the design of thermal zones into the new g5 boxes. here is my question, if heat rises why not put the cpu it on top? now this assumes that the cpu is the greatest source of heat and if i am wrong then thats just one more reason i am not an engineer. but it seems to me that that could wipe out a great deal of heat dissipation problems very quickly.

anyway just some thoughts...

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