Sunday, September 21, 2003

the violent femmes fun as ever. havven't seen jenn and tree that happy and bouncy in quite some time. very nice!!!

hot hot heat as promised and give em and album or two. the performance was great and the ideas really good. very british sounding to me ala pulp, eventhough they are canadian. biran says phrasing reminds him of oingo boingo. definitely a unique pop sound. they grow to be fine kids.

echo was well FUCKING AMAZING!!!! seen footage, heard tapes but oh my god!!! despight the years and shake ups that band still top!!! i absolutely will kill to see them again so please don't take a ticket that might be mine or have to hit you in the tooth with a spoon!

duran duran, what can you say they are duran fucking duran! i have been listening to them since their debut album, it was the first vinal album (i had 8-tracks before that) i ever owned. i won it in a limo contest at a b-day party when i was a wee lad. despight a few tech problems, they were increadible. nothing quite feels like seeing a band of that influence after such a long time playing together and looking like they just love it and each other. they are cool. as in definition of.

and last up, the cure with one of the coolest set of obscure great album tracks in a long time. every time i see them its the hits and a couple hear and there not predicted but wow!!! made brians day, his fav played. i am still waiting to hear push live but who knows. so robert if you reading this next time you in la...hook a brother up. and thank you mr. smith for a wonderful show, they just get better evertime they come. age don't got nothin, crazy too, cuz i remeber when robert turned 30. i thought holy shit man, that guys old hows he gona make music still thats relevant to me, things i'll wana hear. well i'm 30 now he's 44, the cure is still the shit and i will probably always feel that way about tunes. somethings are timeless. they're comming round next year, can i reserve a ticket now?!!!

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