Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Universities Developing Internal, Controlled P2P System, "Penn State along with MIT and the University of British Columbia are developing a P2P application (called LionShare in the PSU incarnation) to be used only by students, faculty and staff. According to this article at the Penn State Daily Collegian, the file-sharing program, which wouldn't be completed until 2005 at the earliest, would log each transaction, allowing illegal use of the network to be traced. The purpose of this is to lessen the load on servers for tasks such as professors sending files to students, thereby decreasing the amount of manpower necessary to administer them. Funding will come in part by a grant from the Mellon Foundation, as well as from the students' information technology fee."

not sure i like the tracking, but what's important to note is p2p is basically just like load balancing, about time some one else explained this. i have been bringing it up in my law classes for years but seems lost on most. p2p is just an architecture!!!

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