Friday, July 02, 2004

chapter 2

stuff here is just absolutely wikkid. saw a decendant of newtons apple tree, hung at a pub where the raf, usaf, aus aaf and can af hung durring ww2. they had their names on the joint. good proper writers.

been meeting tons of cool kids including a bunch of philosophers and mathmaticians here for a conference. sat up drinking pints under a tree till 4 am with em. 4 countries represented discussing bether methodologies for natural language prossesing, the finer points of lsd, k, glastonbury, the concept of oneness and the cognative construction of numbers.

watching euro 2004, drinking spekled hen, reading some interesting cases for the 4th and 5th time, beeing quoted in class from arguments made in previous semesters that seem to have had some impact (hey maybe i'm on to something). haven't been writing like i should be, but there has been so little time. have however been thinking a great deal, and reading tons.

strange walking around this city, some much history, saw a building from the dark ages yesterday. tomorrow off to london for new david mammet with julia styles and arron ekart. hear its bad, but i like mammet.

anyway, lots of reading, talking, walking, drinking! and thinking! i like it hear makes sence why some much great shits been discovered here. its kindof scary. think i'll be comming back.


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