Wednesday, August 21, 2002

Record Labels Sue Web Heavyweights, Now its been a long time but if i remember correctly this type of law suit is exactly what the DMCA is to protect against. Seems that the lables are unhappy that broadband providers do not screen out and block a certain domain that enables people to dowload pirated music. Amazing!!!

Labels Drop Suit, seems their lawyers read the same DMCA i did. Wonder why the droped the case citing that the offending web site was no longer live. Seems damages would still be available if they really had any hope of recovery in the first place. But alas maybe it just bully tactics, or worse bad lawyering!!!

Music Body Presses Anti-Piracy Case, in what may become a new legal front in its war against online copying, the Recording Industry Association of America has asked a federal court for help in tracing an alleged peer-to-peer pirate!!!
Segway Isn't Really Ginger, in the latest twist to the long-running Ginger saga, it's now being rumored that the two-wheeled device unveiled by inventor Dean Kamen last December isn't in fact the real deal. It cannot be the same thing as the much-hyped mystery invention originally known as Ginger and IT!!!
Don't Link To Us!, links to sites that attempt to impose substantial restrictions on other sites that link to them. The Linking Policy for Don't Link to Us! precludes us from requesting permission to link to a site, and compels us to link directly to the targeted page (i.e., a "deep link") rather than to a site's home page. i like these guys!!!
Ambushed On Donahue, all thoes damn shows! GTA3 revisited!!!

Tuesday, August 20, 2002

ISP Bans RIAA To Protect Its Customers, and so it goes, the war begins. I guess it was only a matter of time. May the best hackers code win!!!

Sunday, August 18, 2002

Roaming Data Stirs Up Controversy, what cell co.s don't want you to know!!!
Intel, PC Makers Sued Over P4 Performance, the megahurtz myth and then some!!!
WiFi: EarthLink Goes Wireless, looks like their on there wayu with Boingo! But price seems not right, nice but no cigar! Hight addoption i think is gona require bundling with standard unlimited service!!!
NASA Plan To Read Brainwaves At Airports, the thought police are hear! Now i wonder since stuff stored in ram is sufficiently fixed to assert copyright is stuff in my grey matter?!?!?!
Does Schmoozing Make Robots Clever?, What? Do you think you are cle'ver!?! (in my best frenchie) AI the debate continues!!!

Saturday, August 17, 2002

Judge Hits Rewind On ReplayTV Case, changing her mind and allowing the EFF to join the suit!!!

Monday, August 12, 2002

The New Pepsi/Coke, Hey look its open source drink! Thanks to Joe for sending this in!!!
Seriously hindered access. No IM. Got supper old machine running but very slow. If you need to contact me fon is best. I will be using machine primarilly for job search and research. Verry little com. But will continue to check mail from hand held. Also will try to post here when possible.
Taget Hits The Mark, thanks D for sending this in. Looks like Targets new efforts are making serious gains in the till!!!

Friday, August 09, 2002

Off line for few days. Box died need to sort it out. : (

Thursday, August 08, 2002

The Bot Who Loved Me, more CCAN in the news! This time Salon quotes Joe!!!

Wednesday, August 07, 2002

BBC - 1Xtra Launches Aug. 16, "This summer the BBC is bringing fans of black music the station they have been waiting for. 1Xtra is a new digital service bringing the public the best in black music from both sides of the Atlantic including: Hip Hop, RnB, UK Garage, Drum & Bass, and Dancehall"

Tuesday, August 06, 2002

Playstation 3 Chip The "Cell" Nears Completion, Cell's capabilities will allow it to deliver one trillion calculations per second (teraflop) or more of floating-point calculations. It will have the ability to do north of 1 trillion mathematical calculations per second, roughly 100 times more than a single Pentium 4 chip running at 2.5GHz.

Sunday, August 04, 2002

Possible Evidence of Martian Bacteria, looks like the little green men are in fact very, very little!!!

Saturday, August 03, 2002

Yar's Revenge, and i was saying electro clash and the 80's revival was 20yrs too late. Boyu was I wrong, the kids who make tunes with this, WOW!!! Go give a listen!!!
Los Angeles Times is running a front page story on the RAVE Act, very much worth the read (sory no link, i will not support that paper but that story is for another time). In any case get it online or in non-electronic form. This legislation is a bastardization of existing "crack house laws" that would potentially impose criminal liability on anyone who organizes an event where the that person knows drugs may be used!!! I am supprised there is nothing in there about a "sucession of repetative beats" ; ) and big up to Mike K for the drop!!!

Friday, August 02, 2002, just plain creepy!!!
BBC - OneMusic Studio, cool making music toys from the other side of the pond!!!
TerraFly, wana see your place from space!!!
ONE-T accueil, don't ask just, well, he's 13, he's a dj, he's gonna fuck the "french touch", he's One-T!!! Thanks Big Cookie!!!
Bush Adviser Encourages Hacking Richard Clarke, President Bush computer security advisor, told hackers at the Black Hat conference that most security holes in software are not found by the software maker. "Some of us, here in this room, have an obligation to find the vulnerabilities," Clarke said. WOW!!! Luck encouraging DMCA violations is not against the law, oh wait, maybe it contributory!!!
Education Push Coming For OSX, this article keyed off an idea in my head. .Mac is recieving a hell of a lot of flack for its price, which i for one think is quite reasonable considering the features (email, web publishing/storage, net synch, and virus protection). Anyway what did occur to me is that even if this is not going to be a hit at home or in biz, this is amazing for ed. I had huge problems in all my computer related classes with storage and web publishing. This would outsource all that to Apple, not bad. Simplicity = good!!!

Thursday, August 01, 2002

Asteroid Fly-By On August 18, i love a good fireworks show!!!