Art school girls, tunes, cocktails, Roushemburg, and the skyline!
-- compsed on my hiptop --
welcome . to . mark . friedlander's . personal . home . on . the . web . v5.2
Art school girls, tunes, cocktails, Roushemburg, and the skyline!
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Never got to see em. Either of them. Bummer. But all fixxed now. Last minute shot up to The Canyon Club. Nice joint like a mini less gaudy HOB. Crowd crazy. Soccer moms. Punk kids. The whole lot. Henry rocked! Amazing! X up next! Best part of all. Free tix!!! Thank you to the lovely girl who gave em!!!
That's what's suposed to happen!!!
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I know its not really viewable. Bad camera. But that's my boy B showing
all his Full Sail skill setting up Bangkok 5 at the Hammer.
Oh yeah and Waiting For Monsters rocked the Roses god and proper! Not to
mention Paul V mashes LA girls and personal faves The Like!
Cool new kid at work. Talked tech and techno. Turns out he ran Transmat.
Trip out!!!
- posted from my hiptop -
Wikkid! Wikkid! Wikkid! Moogs, violins, pretty girls with librarian
glasses, and 3 pop songs! Yeah, my life rocks!